I am Alina Dumitrescu, and I am a poet, performer, and translator.
I developed as a poetry performer within the artistic movement Strada Fără Nume n collaboration with Centrul Cultural Plai – a spoken word project, “Bringing together poets and musicians from all over — where for a week I learned what the stage means for a textual artist. This was followed by performances at the first edition of the Transylvania International Spoken Word Festival in Cluj, and within the collective exhibition Individual Compus/ Individual All-Around in partnership with Spațiul de Artă Contemporană /SAC Bucharest, as well as in the documentary exhibition Onesim://NAMEFULL in collaboration with the Timișoara Project Center and Decopertat.
In 2023, I co-founded the Timișoara artistic hub Comuna 30, with which I performed at various cultural and artistic events, such as Launmomentdat in parc, Sit & Read Artbook Fair, Street Delivery Timișoara, Muzeul Apei Timișoara, Youth Summer Fest Timișoara, Grădini Interdimensionale, and Cenaclub. In 2022, together with Andreea Băban, I created one of the finalist posters for the Poster x Poem Young Timișoara project.
“For me, poetry is nourishment, and when I’m on stage, I am in the midst of catharsis, and no consequence matters anymore. I want the audience to feel everything, because life is about everything, and sometimes people are too afraid to admit that. I write naturally about emotion and destabilization, I find something pure in pain and in the people who cry on the street. Currently, I am working on my poetry debut, which I hope will happen soon.
You can find Alina here:

“…în fiecare duminică mergem la selgros și mama îmi cumpără câte un ponei

preferatul meu e un pegas albastru care miroase a fructe de pădure

e ultimul pe luna asta

îi amintesc mamei că nu am tată

iar ea pune în coș încă doi unicorni”

toată colecția mea my little pony


“…every Sunday we go to Selgros and my mom buys me a pony

my favorite is a blue pegasus that smells like berries

it’s the last one for this month

I remind my mom that I don’t have a dad

and she puts two more unicorns in the cart


my whole my little pony collection

CONCENTRIC & Alina Dumitrescu