“Honestly, I don’t like to talk about myself; I let the art I create ‘speak.’
I am a simple person, passionate about art and all its branches, such as dance, music, architecture, acting, and so on.
I find inspiration in my surroundings and allow myself to be guided by the instincts they evoke within me.”
“Through the handpainted top, I wanted to create some kind of merge between a past collection of Concentric ( using playing cards symbols) and a graphic, architectural painting style.
The paintings are illustrating a concept of inception between worlds, carrying you through some of the most famous destinations. Every painting represents features of continents: the Clubs is Europe, the Diamond represents Africa, the Heart is Asia and the Spades showcases the Eurasian region.
I have always been fascinated by the antique buildings which made history and I’ve always seen them as art pieces which deserve to be studied and reinterpreted.”
You can also find Florina here:

Entries of a matrix
The Heart

Handpainted top
“Painting on textiles is another way for me to express my ideas, drawing a parallel between reality and fantasy.”

Entries of a matrix
The Diamond

Entries of a matrix
The Spades

Entries of a matrix
The Clubs