Pieces of Otilia:

„…I am a dreamer…A simple person…

I’m not a normal person…

A mad girl who lives in her own world, surrounded by her own art.

I’ve never had the chance to truly think about who I am…

I am an artist that likes to confess their thoughts, feelings and life through line and stain, spots. Everything I do is a reflection of my soul…

„I hope this collaboration will bring me the joy and accomplishment of seeing people wearing my art.”

Otilia Lacatîș, 19, student at the University of Arts and Design Timisoara..


You can find Otilia here:



Emoții interioare/
Inner emotions

Watercolour on paper

Fuziune de emoții/ Fusion of emotions

Ink on paper

Pe gânduri/

Lost in thought

Watercolour on paper


Watercolour on paper


Watercolour on paper

CONCENTRIC & Otilia Lacatîș